React was…

Taiwo Adepoju
2 min readOct 19, 2021

I submitted my last React project to my mentor two days ago and like Snoop Dogg said in his famous acceptance speech, “I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to thank me for doing all this hard work. I wanna thank me for having no days off. I wanna thank me for never quitting.”

Ok, I am being a bit dramatic. Learning React — a JavaScript library for building component-based user interfaces — wasn’t actually difficult, but it was definitely a tedious journey. I started learning React with Codecademy’s React course, followed that up with Stephen Grider’s React with Redux course on Udemy, which I absolutely loved. I will recommend Grider’s course to anyone who is interested in learning React and Redux. Grider breaks everything down so well, in the simplest way, and as you are learning different concepts, you’re implementing each one in the projects you are building in the course. Building the projects on my own really helped solidify my understanding of different concepts such as components, state, props, lifecycle methods, hooks, etc.

Next, I built my own set of web applications( applying everything I learned about React and Redux. It definitely took me some months to complete this part of Roots Technology ( curriculum, but I am glad I took my time, stuck with it and learned what React is.

I really enjoyed learning React; it really does make building web apps a whole lot easier. It cuts down repetitive code and gives you the opportunity to write reusable code, which is great and super useful.

